Talk From Superheroes: The Lego Batman Movie Feb 13, 2017Andrew and Diana are talking about The Lego Batman movie this week. The visual differences from Lego Movie, how it starts off hot and cools down, and dramatic realizations about the difference between lowercase family and uppercase Family.Listen on iTunes | Listen on Libsyn | Listen on Stitcher#TFSH #LegoBatman #Batman #Robin #TheLegoBatmanMovie #TalkFromSuperheroes #Podcast
Andrew and Diana are talking about The Lego Batman movie this week. The visual differences from Lego Movie, how it starts off hot and cools down, and dramatic realizations about the difference between lowercase family and uppercase Family.Listen on iTunes | Listen on Libsyn | Listen on Stitcher#TFSH #LegoBatman #Batman #Robin #TheLegoBatmanMovie #TalkFromSuperheroes #Podcast