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Talk From Superheroes: Deadpool, Legends of Tomorrow and Batman: Bad Blood

We are excited to launch the Talk From Superheroes Podcast, a show where the creators of Texts From Superheroes, comedians Andrew Ivimey & Diana McCallum, break down and discuss one piece of heroic media every week, including the latest superhero movies, TV shows, cartoons or whatever else they feel like. There will also be the occasional visits from nerdy guests. We wanted to do something special for our launch so we have not one, but three episodes currently available. And if you like what you hear you can rate and subscribe to us on iTunes, like a boss.

In our first episode we discuss Deadpool, fourth wall breaking and Ryan Reynolds’s peeper:

In Episode 2 we review the animated movie Batman: Bad Blood along with our guest, Nug Nahrgang (from the Illusionoid Podcast) and try to decide if Batman is racist or just brainwashed And in Episode 3 we discuss the first four episodes of Legends of Tomorrow, the good, the bad and the drugged.

The Talk From Superheroes theme music, If You Need Me Just Text, was composed by Joshua Piche and performed by Anthony Wright.



The From Superheroes Network was created by internet comedian Diana McCallum and stand-up comedian Andrew Ivimey.

From Superheroes © 2024. All rights reserved.

Logo design by Ryan Fox.

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