We’re all spending more time inside as of late, and for a lot of us that means finding a new routine both mentally and physically. Maybe you’re used to going to a gym that’s now closed, or you’re adjusting to working from home and not getting the daily activity you used to, or maybe you’re looking to use isolation to start an exercise routine for the first time. Working out can present a challenge when stuck at home with often no, or very little, equipment and that’s where the terrific and nerdy fitness website DAREBEE comes in. The good folks at DAREBEE create everything you need to work at home, including nerdy and fun themed workouts, challenges, meal plans, and programs for everybody at any fitness level even with no equipment for those who want to unlock their inner…
Batman ... X-Men ... or Super Saiyan
I’ve sworn by Darebee’s ability to get your power level to over 9000 for years, and can personally attest to their value. Their meal plans and training programs helped me prepare for, and successfully run, my first full marathon in 2016. They make it simple and easy to work out, and also, it’s just more fun to exercise when you feel like you’re training to be Batman.
DAREBEE is an independent fitness resource that’s fun, accessible, and FREE, like completely free, not 30 day trial free, FREE FREE. The site is run and maintained by a small group of volunteers and fitness professionals and their goal is to “make fitness accessible, make training fun and make a healthy lifestyle easier to start and maintain – on a budget. [They] believe that fitness is not a privilege, it should be made this accessible for everyone - not just people who can pay for it.” So who’s the real hero here? It’s them for providing this free resource, and you for using it to become your own personal Iron Fist or Super Soldier.
Nerdy workout cards not enough for you? Well they got more! Want to step your workout up even further and maybe make a game out of it, then try Hero’s Journey? It’s a role-play fitness program where each day takes you through the stage of a journey. It will take you 60 days to complete this quest that will encourage you to go on a hero's journey physically through immersive scenarios that will push your performance.

And if 60 days is too long a commitment but you still want to have a little fun with your workouts try their DAREdice, free to print from home. You roll your own workout routine to let fate decide if you’re doing push-ups or lunges.

DARABEE also has a ton of other great resources including search options, built in timers, fitness trackers and a fantastic app for iOS or Android which is free to download. It's all free, it’s a registered non-profit meant to be a public resource. If you’re looking for a better way to workout from home there's no reason not to go have a look at the site. Find something that inspires the hero inside you. If they help you, you can and should visit their funding page and donate to support them.